Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Birthday by Lee Kok Liang

The short story entitled ‘Birthday’ that was written by Lee Kok Liang is a story about a Chinese woman aged 25 years old that is living with her grandmother. Her grandmother is always controlling her life. Although she is already 25 years old, she is not married yet. According to her tradition, a girl should be married by the age of 18. It was her 25th birthday. But nobody remembers her birthday. Uncle Teng from the northern village came to have a look on her for the possibility of marriage. At dinner time, she clumsily spilled some curry on Uncle Teng's trousers. It was the cockroach that made her to spill the curry. Her grandmother scolded her for the simple mistake and says that she will be a spinster for the rest of her life.

                                                         Written by Elfera Achin.

The Chinese Culture

Today, we are having discussion on “Birthday” written by Lee Kok Liang. The protagonist in that story is not named but I know that she is from a Chinese family. In the story, her grandmother is getting really mad with her as she is prepared for an arranged married and yet she spoils the impression of the man, Uncle Teng toward her at the first meet by dropping the curry accidentally on his trousers.. Chinese culture mostly put stress on respecting elder and guest. Therefore, it is not a surprise to see her grandmother’s impression toward her for that. Besides, most Chinese also take things seriously when it comes to give hospitality to their guest. They always want to give their best so that people will not look down upon them
                                          Written by Angela Devung Denis.


The theme in the short story is social life. In the Chinese culture, it is important to respect the eldest. They also believe in arranged marriage. They also believed that a young girl must get marry as they reach the age 18. If they didn’t get marry by the age 18, they are believe that they miss their time and they have to marry to someone older. It is hard to marry off their young daughter.  In Chinese family, the girls must do all house works.
                                                       Written by Albinus Arbut.



  • A very strict grandmother.
  • But in the other side of her, there are caring values. She cares about her grand daughter's future. She wants her to have a soul mate.
  • Very concerned about the Chinese Culture. She was trying to match the protagonist with Uncle Teng.

  • The protagonist of the story
  • Respect the elders and obedient.
  • She wants to get married and have a family of her own.
  • Clumsy and had a bad luck
Uncle Teng

  • He was chosen by the protagonist's grandmother to be the protaganist's mate
  • He does not speak much. A very quiet person.
  • He is a good observer.                                                                                                                           
                                                                                            Written by Abdul Falakh Zafrieyl.

Style and Tone
1.            Visual Imagery – refer to descriptive language that evokes emotional responses.
“If she could only take care of him, she would keep him clean like a well-washed plate”
(Paragraph 1 line 6)
2.            Simile - a comparison of two things.
“..did not have such red lips as Grandmother’s”
(Page 26 line 1)
3.            Personification – make a thing, idea, or an animal do something only humans can do.
“..and the sharp rays of the sun caught the spinning particles of dust floating near the tiny skylight.”
(Page 24, last paragraph)

                                                 Written by Kelly Katty Jameson.

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